Re: [norse_course] Auðun section 20/feedback Patricia

From: Patricia
Message: 5289
Date: 2005-05-17

I am printing this up to study, I regret the issue with

[* refer to the earlier discussions we had on láta + infinative] this issue, I am apparently getting confused again here, and I am sorry but I am not at all pleased with my work and would thank you for being kind in the first place


Patricia   regret that typo as well 'tos'n't good enough - YET


----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 20/feedback Patricia

Sæl Patricia


A few verb tense issues reappear and one or two other minor things but otherwise fine.





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Saturday, 14 May 2005 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun section 20


Sælir  Saell Alan


I’m not sure where everyone disappeared to over the past week but hopefully you’re ready for this, the next installment of Auðun.


We had May Day Mothers day and Friday the thirteenth Alan, perhaps they were Celebrating, I for one sent out a scary 13th card, would you have liked one (subj.?)




Kveðja Patricia



Síðan lætr hann í haf ok kømr í Nóreg

Later set[s] he on the high seas and come[s] to Norway

Afterwards he set sail on the ocean and arrived at Norway


ok lætr flytja upp varnað sinn,

and set[s] [causes*] to convey up his goods (sinn?pl? [no, masc sg])

and had the goods (all his property) brought up on land

[* refer to the earlier discussions we had on láta + infinative]


 ok þurfti nú meira við þat en fyrr, er hann var í Nóregi.

and needed now greater there upon [literally with that, ie “for that purpose”, see Gordon’s glossary] than before (fyrr ? fyrir) + dative? [no , fyrr is simply an adverb] when he was in Norway

This was greater trouble (to move the stuff ) than when he was last in Norway


Well of course, he was a wealthy man by now, last Harald saw him he only had a Bear, and no money but a lot of luck!


Hann ferr nú síðan á fund Haralds konungs

he goes now after to [a] meet[ing, noun]  with Harald the King

He then goes to meet King Harald


ok vill efna þat er hann hét honum, áðr hann fór til Danmerkr,

and wishes to fulfill that when [which]  he promised to him (dat? [yes]) [before he went to Denmark]

He wishes to keep a promise that he made him (The King)


Rightly, he promised Harald the whole megillah of his travels


Megillah /m@"gIl@/


1 each of the books of the Hebrew scriptures (the Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther) appointed to be read on certain Jewish notable days.

2 (the whole megillah) N. Amer. informal something in its entirety.

– ORIGIN from Heb. megillah, lit. ‘scroll’.


You learn something new every day!


 ok kveðr konung vel. Haraldr konungr tók vel kveðju hans,

he greeted [greets, present] the King well, Harald the King tool [k] (from taka) well greeting his.

he greeted the King warmly, and King Harald warmly received his (Auðun's) greeting


 'ok sezk niðr', segir hann, 'ok drekk hér með oss!' Ok svá gørir hann.

and sit [I like to think of it literally as ”set yourself”] down  says he        and drink here with Us   and thus he  (Auðun ) did [does, present]

and so sit down said he,  and drink with Us here, and so he did.

There goes Harald  - Us - the use of the Royal Sec.Pers.Pl. and I like that so much [but I think he is probably referring to himself and his court here]

This has been a fine exercise to do Alan, thanks a lot, I hope my work shows the hours of study I've put in




----- Original Message -----

From: AThompson

Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 11:47 AM

Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 20




I’m not sure where everyone disappeared to over the past week but hopefully you’re ready for this, the next installment of Auðun.






Síðan lætr hann í haf ok kømr í Nóreg ok lætr flytja upp varnað sinn, ok þurfti nú meira við þat en fyrr, er hann var í Nóregi. Hann ferr nú síðan á fund Haralds konungs ok vill efna þat er hann hét honum, áðr hann fór til Danmerkr, ok kveðr konung vel. Haraldr konungr tók vel kveðju hans, 'ok sezk niðr', segir hann, 'ok drekk hér með oss!' Ok svá gørir hann.

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