RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 19/feedback Grace

From: AThompson
Message: 5267
Date: 2005-05-08

Sæl Grace


Comments inserted in my usual manner.





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of AThompson
Saturday, 7 May 2005 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 19


Our computer crashed and I only have a few minutes on this one so this

translation will be even more sketchy than usual.  Apologies. Grace


Síðan dró konungr hring af hendi sér ok gaf Auðuni ok mælti: 'Þó at svá Then the king drew a ring from his hand and gave (it) to Auðuni and said, "Although that so


illa verði at þú brjótir skipit ok týnir fénu, eigi ertu félauss, ef þú be bad?? [literally: Although so badly (it should) happen/come to pass] that you shipwreck and lose the wealth, your are not penniless if you


kømsk á land; því at margir menn hafa gull á sér í skipsbrotum, ok sér come on ? [make your way onto] land, because many men have gold on them in a shipwreck [shipwrecks, plural], and see? [one sees or it is seen]


þá at þú hefir fundit Svein konung, ef þú heldr hringinum. En þat vil ek that you have met King Svein, if you hold (onto) the ring.  But that will [want] I


ráða þér', segir hann, 'at þú gefir eigi hringinn, nema þú þykkisk eiga [to] advise you," says he, "that you give not the ring, unless you think [yourself, or that you] to have [a duty]


svá mikit gott at launa nökkurum göfgum manni -- þá gef þeim hringinn, [for] so much [great a] benefit to reward a certain distinguished man - - then give them [to that one, dat sg of sá] ??? the ring,


því at tignum mönnum sómir at þiggja. Ok far nú heill!'

because (it would be?) an honor to ten men to receive it.??? [literally: (it) is befitting/proper for high-ranking (tignum is dat pl of tiginn) to receive (it)] Now travel safely!"


  I really couldn't get the gist of the last bits.  The English

translation I have seemed not to have anything to do with the text

either.  [If my notes above don’t help, refer to my translation in the separate post] Why is it "them" when we were just talking about a

distinguished man? [As highlighted above þeim is dat sg of sá, rather than dat pl of sá or hann; moreover, one can use them in English to refer to a single person]



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