RE: [norse_course] Njáls Saga and Icelandic Genealogy

From: AThompson
Message: 5154
Date: 2005-04-15

Forgive me if this is a bit off topic but:


I  suspect it has already been done a hundred times before but I am currently entering the family lineages of the persons in Njáls Saga into a family history database and finding it extremely useful in getting my head around all the relationships. However, my genealogical software was not really designed for a patronymic system, since it has a field for entering each person´s given name and a separate field for his or her surname/family name. Does anyone know if there is genelagical software designed specifically for Icelandic genealogies or how Icelandic patronymics (and indeed nicknames), eg Hrafnkel Freysgoði Hallfreðarson, are best entered or usually entered in the conventional software?





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of AThompson
Friday, 15 April 2005 7:19 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 16


Here is the next installment of Auðun.  It’s a slightly longer sections than normal but I couldn’t find a natural break mid paragraph.


The “hooked o” has been banished and replaced throughout with ö :o) J


Given that Laurel is interested in resuming Hrafnkels saga, but has little spare time before the end of April, I will postpone the resumption to early May.





Þat er nú sagt einhverju sinni of várit, at konungr býðr Auðuni at vera með sér álengðar, ok kvezk myndu gøra hann skutilsvein sinn ok leggja til hans góða virðing. Auðun segir, 'Guð þakki yðr, herra, sóma þann allan er þér vilið til mín leggja; en hitt er mér í skapi at fara út til Íslands.' Konungr segir, 'Þetta sýnisk mér undarliga kosit.' Auðun mælti: 'Eigi má ek þat vita, herra', segir hann, 'at ek hafa hér mikinn sóma með yðr, en móðir mín troði stafkarls stíg út á Íslandi; því at nú er lokit björg þeiri er ek lagða til, áðr ek fœra af Íslandi.' Konungr svarar: 'Vel er mælt', segir hann, 'ok mannliga, ok muntu verða giptumaðr. Sjá einn var svá hlutrinn, at mér myndi eigi mislíka at þú fœrir í braut heðan. Ok ver nú með mér þar til er skip búask.' Hann gørir svá.


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