From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 5133 Date: 2005-04-09
There were a couple of words I couldn't find and one phrase I couldn't
puzzle out at all this time.
Þá gekk Auðun fram ok fell til fóta konungi, ok varla kendi konungr
Then Auðun went forward and fell at the kings feet, and the king
scarcely recognised
hann. Ok þegar er konungr veit hverr hann er, tók konungr í ho;nd honum
him. And as soon as the king knew who he was, the king took him, Auðun,
by (?)the hand
Auðuni ok bað hann vel kominn: 'Ok hefir þú mikit skipazk', segir hann,
and bade him welcome, And you have changed much, says he,
'síðan vit sámk.' Leiðir hann eptir sér inn. Ok er hirðin sá hann, lógu
since we saw each other?. He (the king) led him in behind him. And
when the kings men saw him (Auðun), they ?
þeir at honum. En konungr sagði, 'Eigi þurfu þér at honum at hlæja, því
at him. But the king said, You many not laugh at hum, because
at betr hefir hann sét fyrir sinni sál heldr en ér.' Þá lét konungr
better has he looked? for his soul rather ? ? Then the king
gøra honum laug ok gaf honum síðan klæði, ok er hann nú með honum.
him given a bath and gave him then clothing, and then he (was) with him
(the king?).
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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