From: Haukur Þorgeirsson
Message: 5063
Date: 2005-03-23
> Actually I was starting to think there was only one tune in myThat's okay. Everyone does that.
> flute, because in the first version I noticed I was reusing some
> obvious rhymes from earlier.
> 'frost Mistar' is glossed here as "icy wind of Mist" [battle]Ah, yes. Eysteinn had already explained this too me :)
> fjöld linkinna linna "a multitude of mercies of serpents" [many
> summers]
> -- but yeah, I overdid that alliteration again didn't I.Perhaps. Yes, the alliteration is sacrosanct.
> Maybe there's something we could replace 'lin-' with. Or if the
> rhyme is less sacrosanct: fjöld miskunna linna?
> "Lightbulb", well yes, afraid so, but put to a completelyNo, they bring it to the ox cart and then, oh sorry...
> traditional use, isn´t it? I slipped in one other modern word
> later, but I think it was worth it. On the other hand, I think I
> might have found an old word for "miners" in Cleasby-
> Vigfusson: 'grafarmenn'. But maybe they didn't want to use this on
> Age of Mythology because they don't go underground there. Zoega
> has 'grjótberg' "quarry". Fritzner has:
> grjótsveinn, m. underordnet Stenarbeider;
> Þorkell grjótsveinn DN. IV, 1814. 459.
> Cleasby-Vigfusson:
> grjotsveinn, m. a stonemason's lad
> In other words, someone who works for a grjótsmiðr. Would
> such "lads" would also cut stones in a quarry and bring them to the
> mason?
> Reynt´s hjarta rann innanI feel dense. "An experienced house of heart
> rifja Ellisifjar.
> "Rann hjarta er reynt innan rifja Ellisifja."
>> a victory over the unwise.My mistake!
> I mean "undear". Can 'ósváss' also mean "unwise"? Or were you
> thinking of 'ósvinnr'?