From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3765
Date: 2003-10-25
----- Original Message -----From: Gerald MchargSent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:02 AMSubject: [norse_course] Jed -Hrafnkel 74 - 100Hrafnkell lines 70-100
See below for my interpretation of 'at eigi veldr sá, er varar annan.'
Einarr svarar: "Of síð hefir þú sagt mér til þessa,
Einar said: Too late have you said to-me of this
Einar said, You have told me this too late
því at nú hafa allir ráðit sér vistir, þær er beztar eru, þær er beztar eru,
because now have all engaged for themselves employments, those which best are,
because everyone has now got the best jobs that are going
en mér þykkir þó illt at hafa órval af."
but to-me it-seems though ill to have dregs from.
And I think its a bad thing to take whats left.
Einn dag tók Einarr hest sinn ok reið á Aðalból.
One day took Einarr horse his and rode to Athalbol.
One day Einarr took his horse and rode to Athalbol.
Hrafnkell sat í stofu.
Hrafnkell sat in sitting-room
Hrafnekell sat in his room.
Hann heilsar honum vel ok glaðliga.
He greets him well and gladly.
He gave him a cheerful welcome.
Einarr leitar til vistar við Hrafnkel.
Einarr seeks for employment with Hrafnkell.
Einarr was looking for work from Hrafnkell.
Hann svaraði: "Hví leitaðir þú þessa svá síð,
He said, Why sought you this so late,
He said: Why did you start looking for this so late?
því at ek munda við þér fyrstum tekit hafa
because I would with you first taken have?
because I would have taken you on first of all.
En nú hefi ek ráðit õllum hjónum nema til þeirar einnar iðju,
But now have I engaged all household except to those only jobs
But now I have given work to all my household, except for those jobs only
er þú munt ekki hafa vilja."
which you will not to have desire.
which you would not to have.
Einarr spurði, hver sú væri.
Einarr asked, what this was.
Einarr asked what this was.
Hrafnkell kvazk eigi mann hafa ráðit til smalaferðar,
Hrafnkell said no man to have engaged to sheep-herding,
Hrafnkell said he had engaged no man for sheep-herding.
en lézk mikils við þurfa.
but said of much respecting to-need.
but he was badly in need of one.
Einarr kvazk eigi hirða, hvat hann ynni,
Einarr said not to-care, what he did
Einarr said he didnt care what he did,
hvárt sem þat væri þetta eða annat,
whether that it was or another,
whether it was this job or any other.
en lézk tveggja missera bjõrg hafa vilja.
But said two seasons means-of- subsistence to-have desired.
"Ek geri þér skjótan kost", sagði Hrafnkell.
I make for you swift chance, said Hrafnkell.
I will give you an opportunity take it quickly said Hrafnkell.
"Þú skalt reka heim fimm tigu ásauðar í seli ok viða heim õllum sumarviði.
You shall drive home fifty ewes into shieling and bring-wood home with-all summerwood.
You can bring fifty ewes back to the shieling and bring home all the summer wood.
Þetta skaltu vinna til tveggja missera vistar.
This shall you do for two seasons means-of-subsistence.
You will do this for your keep for two seasons.
En þó vil ek skilja á við þik einn hlut sem aðra smalamenn mína.
But though want I to stipulate with you one condition as other shepherds my.
But I will lay one stipulation on you as I do with my other shepherds.
Freyfaxi gengr í dalnum fram með liði sínu.
Freyfax goes in dales forward with herd his.
Freyfax runs in the dales with his herd.
Honum skaltu umsjá veita vetr ok sumar.
For him shall you care give winter and summer.
You shall care for him winter and summer.
En varnað býð ek þér á einum hlut:
But warning give I to-you on one thing
But I give you warning of one thing:
Ek vil, at þú komir aldri á bak honum,
I want, that you come never on back to-him,
It is my wish that you never get on his back,
hversu mikil nauðsyn sem þér er á, því ek hefi hér allmikit um mælt,
however great need as to-you is at, because I have here all-much about said,
however great your need, because I have spoken emphatically about this,
at þeim manni skylda ek at bana verða, sem honum riði.
that that man should I to death be, as on-him may-ride.
that I will kill the man who rides him.
Honum fylgja tólf hross.
Him follow twelve horses.
He is accompanied by twelve horses.
Hvert, sem þú vilt af þeim hafa á nótt eða degi, skulu þér til reiðu.
Which(ever) as you desire of them to have at-night or day, shall (be) to-you for service.
Whichever of them you want, night or day, shall be at your service.
Ger nú sem ek mæli, því at þat er forn orðskviðr,
Do now as I say, because that is old proverb.
Now do as |I say, because this is an old proverb
at eigi veldr sá, er varar annan.
that not is-the-cause-of that(one), who warns another.
That he is not at fault? who warns another. (I can't find any suitable translation for 'veldr'. but this makes sense, even if it is wrong.)
Nú veiztu, hvat ek hefi um mælt."
Now know you, what I have about said.
Now you know what I have said.
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