From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3578
Date: 2003-09-11
----- Original Message -----From: Laurel BradshawSent: Friday, September 05, 2003 2:58 AMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 1-18 / LaurelCHAPTER 1
Þat var á dögum Haralds konungs ins hárfagra,it - was - in - days/time - of Haraldr - king - the - fairhairIt was in the time of King Harald the Fairhair,
Hálfdanar sonar ins svarta,of Hálfdanr - son - the - blackson of Halfdan the Black,
Guðrøðar sonar veiðikonungs,of Guðrøðr - son - hunting kingson of Gudrod the Hunting King,
Hálfdanar sonar ins milda ok ins matarilla,of Hálfdanr - son - the - generous - but - the - niggardly with foodson of Halfdan the (Gold)-Generous but Food-stingy,
Eysteins sonar freys,of Eysteinn - son - Freyrson of Eystein Frey,
Oláfs sonar trételgju Svíakonungs,of Oláfr - son - woodcutter - king of the Swedesson of Olaf the Woodcutter, king of the Swedes,
at sá maðr kom skipi sínu til Íslands í Breiðdal, er Hallfreðr hét.that - the [sá er = he who]- man - brought [koma w. dat.]- ship - his - to - Iceland - to - Breiðdalr - who - Hallfreðr - was calledthat a man called Hallfred brought his ship to Iceland, to Breiðdalur (Broad Valley),
Þat er fyrir neðan Fljótsdalsherað.that - is - before/in front of - from below - Fljótsdalsheraðwhich is southeast of the Fljótsdal district.
Þar var á skipi kona hans ok sonr, er Hrafnkell hét.there - was - on - ship - wife - his - and - son - who - Hrafnkell - was calledOn board were his wife and a son called Hrafnkel.
Hann var fimmtán vetra gamall, mannvænn ok gørviligr.he - was - fifteen - of winters - old - promising [lit. man + beautiful] - and - capable/enterprisingHe was fifteen years old, handsome and enterprising.
Hallfreðr setti bú saman.Hallfreðr - put - a farm - togetherHallfred established a farmstead.
Um vetrinn andaðisk útlend ambátt, er Arnþrúðr hét,during - the winter - died - foreign - bondwoman - who - Arnþrúðr - was calledDuring the winter, a foreign bondwoman called Arnthrud died,
ok því heitir þat síðan á Arnþrúðarstöðum.which - for this reason - is called - it - since then - Arnþrúðarstaðirwhich is why it has been called Arnthrud's Stead ever since.
En um várit foerði Hallfreðr bú sitt norðr yfir heiði ok gerði bú þar,but - during - the spring - relocated - Hallfreðr - farm - his - northwards - over - heath - and - built - a farm - thereBut during the spring, Hallfred relocated his farmstead northwards over the heath, and built a (new) farmstead there,
sem heitir í Geitdal.which - is called - Geitdalrwhich is called Geitdal (Goatdale).
Ok eina nótt dreymði hann, at maðr kom at honum ok mælti:then - one - night - dreamed - he - that - a man - came - to - him - and - saidThen one night he dreamed that a man came to him and said:
'Þar liggr þú, Hallfreðr, ok heldr óvarliga.there - lie - you - Hallfreðr - and - indeed - incautiously"There you lie, Hallfred, and heedlessly indeed.
Foer þú á brott bú þitt ok vestr yfir Lagarfljót.move - you - away - farm - your - and - westwards - across - LagarfljótRelocate your farm away (from here) westwards across the Lagar river.
Þar er heill þín öll.'there - is - good luck - your - allAll your good luck is there."
Eptir þat vaknar hann ok foerir bú sitt út yfir Rangá í Tungu,after - that - wakes up - he - and - moves - farm - his - out - over - Rangá - into - TungaAfter that he woke up and relocated his farmstead beyond the Ranga (river) into Tunga,
þar sem síðan heitir á Hallfreðarstöðum,where - since then - is called - Hallfreðarstaðirwhich since then has been called Hallfred's Stead,
ok bjó þar til elli.and - lived - there - until - old ageand lived there to an old age.
En honum varð þar eptir geit ok hafr.but - to him - it happened - there - behind - nanny goat - and billy goatBut it happened that a nanny goat and a billy goat got left behind him.
Ok inn sama dag, sem Hallfreðr var í brott,and - the - same - day - when - Hallfreðr - was - awayAnd the very day that Hallfred moved away,
hljóp skriða á húsin,crashed down - landslide - onto - the housea landslide crashed down onto the house,
ok týndusk þar þessir gripir,and - perished - there - those - valuable animalsand those fine animals perished there,
ok því heitir þat síðan í Geitdal.which - for this reason - is called - it - since then - Geitdalrwhich is why it has been called Geitdal ever since.
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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