Re: Hrafnkel 1-19 [thomas]

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3579
Date: 2003-09-11

Hi Thomas!
I hope we are all happy to comment on everyone else´s translations ... so here´s my two pennies worth!
þar er heill þín öll - heill is a feminine noun meaning good luck or good omen, so perhaps it would be better to translate it as
  all your good fortune awaits you there
What do others think?
As for your question about about Hallfreðarstöðum - according to Gordon´s index of names, this place name was a plural one.  Perhaps he had more than one house built there!  It will be in the dative because of the preposition "á" directly before it.
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Lindblom
To: group norse course
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 1-19 [thomas]

Heil everybody, here is my first translation of Hrafnkell!!


Þat var á dögum Haralds konungs ins hárfagra,
It was in the days of harald Fairhair
Hálfdanar sonar ins svarta,
son of Halfdan the black one
Guðrøðar sonar veiðikonungs,
son of Guðrøð the hunting king
Hálfdanar sonar ins milda ok ins matarilla,
son of Halfdanr the kind and stingy of food
Eysteins sonar freys,
son of Eysteinn frey  
Oláfs sonar trételgju Svíakonungs,
son of Olaf trételgja king of the Swedes
at sá maðr kom skipi sínu til Íslands í Breiðdal, er Hallfreðr hét.
that the man who was called Hallfreðr came with his ship to Breiðdal on
Þat er fyrir neðan Fljótsdalsherað.
that is below Fljótsdalsherað
Þar var á skipi kona hans ok sonr, er Hrafnkell hét.
there on his ship were his wife and his son who was called Hrafnkell
Hann var fimmtán vetra gamall, mannvænn ok gørviligr.
Ge was fifteen winters old ,promising and doughty
Hallfreðr setti bú saman.

Hallfreðr built himself a farm
Um vetrinn andaðisk útlend ambátt, er Arnþrúðr hét,
in the winter a foreign concubine named Arnþrúðr died
ok því heitir þat síðan á Arnþrúðarstöðum.
and that is why that (place) is called Arnþrúðarstaðir
En um várit foerði Hallfreðr bú sitt norðr yfir heiði ok gerði bú þar,
But in the spring Hallfreðr brought his farm to the north and settled there
sem heitir í Geitdal.

Ok eina nótt dreymði hann, at maðr kom at honum ok mælti:
and one night he dreamt that a man came to him and said :
'Þar liggr þú, Hallfreðr, ok heldr óvarliga.
there you lie Hallfreðr
Foer þú á brott bú þitt ok vestr yfir Lagarfljót.
Take your house away and to the west over lagarfljót
Þar er heill þín öll.'
It is all yours
Eptir þat vaknar hann ok foerir bú sitt út yfir Rangá í Tungu,
after that he wakes up and takes his house over Rangá to Tunga
þar sem síðan heitir á Hallfreðarstöðum,
there where since then is called Hallfreðarstöðum
ok bjó þar til elli.
and lived there til old age
En honum varð þar eptir geit ok hafr.
And after him he left a she-goat and a he-goat
Ok inn sama dag, sem Hallfreðr var í brott,
and the same day he was gone

hljóp skriða á húsin,

 an avalanche runned on the houses

ok týndusk þar þessir gripir,
and all these treasures were lost
ok því heitir þat síðan í Geitdal.

and that´s why it is called geitdal

one question: why is Hallfreðarstaðr in dative plural shouldn´t names in this case be in nom.sing or plur.??


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