'My heart is thine.' would perfectly be translated to the normalized
ON spelling 'Mitt hjarta er þitt.' One should not think too much of
the pronunciation here. In fact, I think my own regional modern Norse
pronunciation should be quite applicable here: [met: jâT:a e det:],
where [â] is like 'a' in English 'dad' and [T] is the retroflex t.
Modern Swedish has 'Mitt hjärta är ditt.', i.e. not far from the
normalized spelling of ON used in the Old Norse Course.

So, 'Mitt hjarta er þitt.' should do...


--- In norse_course@..., "Alfta" <alfta@...> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a phrase I would like to convert to Old Norse and would like
> get some opinions.
> The phrase is: My heart is thine.
> Would this be: min hjarta er þín ?
> Would the word "my" be min for feminine and minn for masculine?
> Also would the v2 rule apply here? If so, what would be the proper
> ordering?
> many thanks!
> - Alfta
> Northvegr Félag
> http://www.northvegr.org