From: Haukur Thorgeirsson
Message: 1835
Date: 2002-03-23
> I'm up to chapter four, and very pleased with the course so far.That, in turn, pleases me.
> 1. Are there plans for more audio files in ON? Either correspondingHmm... Maybe. In a perfect world, certainly :-) but I don't like
> to the course or otherwise?
> 2. I'd like to hear the differences between the vowel lenghts andCould you be more specific? Do you mean you'd like to hear minimal pars?
> vowel types.
> There are so few resources available, and I have a happy time goingIf you finish what's been completed of the course you're certainly
> through this course. I hope I am able to read bits of an actual piece
> of ON literature by the end (no scoffing please).