Re: Møller on *w-r- "guard"

From: g
Message: 35404
Date: 2004-12-09

> Møller on *w-r "guard"
> 1 w-r- 'behutsam (sein)' (< voridg. w-r-),
> ahd. gi-war 'behutsam, vorsichtig',

> Ger. gewahr ("aware" usu. of a danger)

> got. varei 'Behutsamkeit,
> ags. waru
> as. ahd. wara 'Acht, Aufmerksamkeit,
> gr. thuro:rós (kypr. thura-woros) 'Türhüter',
> as. ward
> ahd. wart 'Wächter',
> got. daura-vards 'Tür-hüter',
> vardja 'Wächter',
> an. vo,rðr 'Wächter, Wache',

In Ger., Hüter, Wache and Wächter can be replaced by the syn. Wärter (<
ahd. wartari). (Also cf. Sternwarte "Observatorium; observatory")


If a Semitic loanword, then when could the PIE-speaking people have
gotten it? As they had Messopotamia as their southern neighborhood?
(Are these wVr words also included in the vocabularies of the
Iranic-Indic branch?)

> Torsten
