--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, george knysh <gknysh@...> wrote:
> --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> >
> > Before I forget, yesterday's Berlingske Tidende had
> > an article on the
> > weapons deposit finds in the Vimose bog (0 - 200 CE)
> > on Fyn: five
> > ring-pommeled swords (usually considered to a
> > Sarmatian thing). The
> > researcher involved didn't say as much, but the
> > angle of the article
> > was: Danes might have participated in the Marcomanni
> > war we know
> > from "Gladiator". The understood premise is that
> > this would have been
> > the first opportunity for people from this country
> > to meet
> > Sarmatians. Unfortunately (this was news to me) the
> > notes of the
> > excavators have been lost, and the finds are
> > scattered all over
> > Europe, since a local priest sold out of them, so
> > there is not much
> > of a chance to place the supposedly Sarmatian swords
> > anywhere within
> > the given timeframe.
> >
> > Torsten
I see you had no comment on the ring-pommeled swords. Personally I
find it strange that people from Denmark should have travelled to
Bohemia to fight the Romans, there aquired some Sarmatian swords, and
then travelled home and dumped them in a bog. You'd expect the
weapons you find in a weapons deposit to have belonged to the
vanquished, who furthermore were vanquished in the vicinity of the
bog. We know no accounts of Germanic peoples having travelled long
distances to dump their trophies in particular bogs.
> *****GK: I know I'm going to regret this...
> My dear Torsten, I can guarantee that no matter how
> long and how hard you look, you will never find the
> evidence required to substantiate your use of the
> Snorri story as a prime foundation stone for your
> theory of Germanic origins.
Aha. Trying the sweet-talk approach this time? ;-)
>Rydberg's study of this
> problem, though over one hundred years old, remains
> the best antidote. Cf.
> http://www.northvegr.org/lore/rydberg/007.php?
> There is, however, one point which readers of this
> thread should remember. And it is this: your theory is
> not Snorri's theory. At best, one may view it as a
> "variation on a theme from Snorri in the
> Ynglingasaga". At the moment, you are searching for
> archaeological proof that "Odin's people" wandered
> westward through Bastarnia and Vandalia before they
> reached Germany proper ("Saxland"). But the route from
> "Asaland" which you have picked for them is not the
> one scripted by Snorri. (The Snorra Edda has nothing
> to say about the specifics of the route, and in any
> case its identification of Turkland with Troy, and of
> Odin as a 20th generation descendant of King Priam of
> Troy should be warrant enough for instant dismissal.
Go talk to Schliemann about it.
> It knows nothing of "Asgard", "Vanaland", "Tanakvisl"
> et sim. So it's either Heimskringla or it's nothing.)
> But what does Snorri say? (1) That "Asaland" (Odin's
> country) was located somewhere to the east of the Don
> river, and certainly to the east of "Vanaland", which
> occupied both banks of the Don. [let's not get into
> the impossible archaeology for this, because I only
> want to make a point about the specifics of "Odin's
> journey" according to Snorri] (2) That at some point
> between 70 and 60 BC [the timeframe for Pompey the
> Roman's conquests in the east, incl. the destruction
> of Mithradates' Empire (which would have abutted on
> the so-called "Vanaland" from the south) and the
> defeat of Armenia], Odin decided to abandon Asaland
> and set forth on his journey. (3) That initially he
> travelled "westward to Gardariki". Presumably since at
> that time (in Snorri's account) Asaland and Vanaland
> were friends and allies, the "westward" journey would
> start from the Asaland-Vanaland territories, i.e. Odin
> would move across to Don towards the setting sun. What
> was "Gardariki" for Snorri? It was the territory of
> the Rus' complex of his time (as "Turkland" was the
> Seldjuk Asia Minor). We know the geographical
> boundaries of this complex very well. What next? (4)
> From "Gardariki" Odin and co. travelled "SOUTH" to
> "Saxland". Now how is it possible to do that? There is
> only one scenario: they are imagined by Snorri to have
> taken "the road from the Greeks to the Varangians",
> which was the prime highway for east-bound
> Scandinavians in Snorri's time. The most northerly
> city of the Rus' complex at that time was Ladoga, also
> well known to Norsemen, and from Ladoga, the way to
> "Saxland" is indeed a way to the south. ===
So I'll grant you that: Snorri imposed the routes known at his time
on the material he discovered.
>Let's not
> worry about the anachronism (one of many). After all
> in the Old Ukrainian Chronicle, the Apostle Andrew is
> made to travel from Chersones to Rome by this
> "Varangian Road" in the mid-first first century AD.
> (5) After having spent some time in "Saxland" the
> Odinists started their expansion northward.== This
> assumes that at first they passed by Scandinavia
> without stopping. That assumption is entirely
> compatible with Snorri's story.
I am afraid I don't follow? Stopping on their way to?
> Now I don't think it is possible to demonstrate
> Snorri's version. It's fantasy.
>But at least it's
> fantasy once removed from reality, not twice (as yours
> is, since your theory is "Snorri" (snippets from
> Snorri) + Torsten). Snorri doesn't say how long the
> trip from Asaland to Saxland took. If you opt for the
> "long" version, you'll have to find your Sarmatian
> proof somewhere between Kyiv and Ladoga (good
> luck...). If you choose the "short" version, you still
> have to come up with some evidence of foreign
> intrusion in Germany ca. 60/50 BC, and an intrusion
> identifiable with archaeological objects from the
> east.******
There was foreign intrusion into Thuringia, namely from the Oder-
Warthe group of the Przeworsk culture, at the same time as the
Przworsk culture experience a sharp break (Boosen: "Zäsur")
themselves, including the appearance of inhumation graves in an until
the exclusively cremation grave environment.
The hallmark of the Germanic languages, the Grimm shift, seems to
have spread north and west from Thuringia. At the same time, as we
discussed way back wrt Albrectsen's material on find on Fyn at the
time, there was a sudden break, among other things, inhumation graves
start to appear (which as I have learned from you, is the preferred
mode of interment of the Sarmatians), replacing the until then
exclusively used cremation.
You asked me to provide archaeological leads for a connection between
the Oder-Warthe culture and cultures on the supposed "Odin trail".
Here are list of finds of various clasp(fibula) types found in the
Oder-Warthe culture of the period, plus ditto of the Oksywie culture.
As you can see, they are spread all over a trail from the Crimea (one
fin at Kerch) to Germany, including Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia,
Belarus, Hungary and Ukraine. On top of that, they are found within
sites of Zarubincy cultures, in fortified Dacian villages and in
sites otherwise ascribed to Sarmatians.
For a few of the types I have included statistics of the distribution
between inhumation and cremation graves. It seems the types Almgren
67 and 68 (with subtypes) are the most, and Kostrewski type M and N
(with subtypes) the least connected with inhumation, so I believe if
any type of filula is connected with an intrusive Sarmatian element,
it should be A67/A68.
Jan Derk Boosen:
Das Oder-Warthe-Gebiet in der Przeworsk-kultur
während der ausgehenden vorrömischen Eisenzeit
und der älteren Kaiserzeit
Liste 1a: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Kostrzewski
Var. M (einschliesslich der Formen.die durch grössere
Länge herausragen.
Kannikkegaard, Bodilsker sn., Bornholm
Nørre Sandegaard, Østerlarsker sn. Bornholm
plus 41 sites in Poland
Liste 1b: Geschweifte Fibeln, die sich in ihrem Material
oder auch ihrer reicheren Verzierung (Nadelhalter) vom
Kostr. Var. M unterscheiden.
Vyelemic^i, rajon David-Gorodok, oblast' Brjest, Belarus
Gräberfeld II (Zarubincy-Kultur)
plus 4 sites in Poland
For lists 1a + 1b, graves with Kostrzewski type M and variants:
Przeworsk: 2, of which 0 are inhumation graves
Oksywie : 17, of which 1 are inhumation graves
Liste 2: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Idrija und verwandte
Kazackoye, rn Byerislav, obl. Kherson, Ukraine
Gräberfeld der antiken Stadtanlage bei dem "Gorodok
Nikolajevka": 1 Ex.
plus 1 site in Poland
Liste 3a: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Almgren 18a.
3 sites in Poland
Liste 3b: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Almgren 18b.
5 sites in Poland
Liste 4a: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Kostrzewski
Var. N.
C^aplin, rn. Loyev, obL. Gomyel, Belarus
Gräberfeld der Zarubincy-Kultur: 2 ex; iron, brz.
Gramzow-Koboltenhof, Kr. Prenzlau, Bez. Frankfurt-Oder
Lebus, Kr. Seelow, Bez. Frankfurt/Oder
Lyeplyava, rn Zolotonos^a, obl. C^erkassy, Ukraine
Melzow, Kr. Prenzlau, Bez. Neubrandenburg
Nørre Sandegaard, Ødterlarker sn., Bornholm
Otvyerz^ic^i, rn Stolin, obl. Bryest, Belarus
Poc^ep, rn P., obl. Bryansk, FRSR
Siedlung der Poc^ep-Kultur ("Östl. Zarubincy-K.")
Porolissum at Moigrad, r. Zâlau, reg. Cluj, Romania
Dakisches Gr¨berfeld auf dem Mâgura-Berg: 1 Ex.; brz.
Sachnovka, rn Korsun-S^evc^enkovskij, obl. C^erkassy, Ukraine
Siedlung der Zarubincy-Kultur: "Gora Djevica": 1 Ex.
Vyelemic^i, rn David-Grodok, obl Bryest, Belarus
Gräberfeld I (Zarubincy-Kultur): 5 ex.; 2 brz, 3 iron.
Zarubincy, rn Pyereyaslav-Khmelnickiy, obl. Kiev, Ukraine.
Gräberfeld der Zarubincy-Kultur: 1 Ex.; brz.
Zolotaja Balka, rn Novovoroncovka, obl. Kherson, Ukraine
Gr¨ber in "skytho-sarmatischer" Siedlung; mindestens
1 Ex.; brz.
M.I.Vyasmitina, Zolota Balka. Pozyelyennya sarmatskogo
c^asu na niz^nyomu Dnipri (1962). 198 Abb.82,12 u. 199.
Liptovská Mara, okr. Liptovsky Mikulás^, Slovakia
Siedlung der P'uchov-Kultur.
plus 46 sites in Poland
Liste 4b: Geschweifte Fibeln des Typs Kostrz. Var. N.,
jedoch mit reich verziertem Nadelhalter.
Seelow, Kr. S., Bez. Frankfurt/Oder
plus 15 sites in Poland
Liste 4c: Vewrschiedene Derivate der geschweiften Fibeln
vom Typ Kostrzewski Var.N mit verbreitertem oder bandför-
migem vorderem Bügelteil (einschliesslich des Fibeltyps
A.10 und verwandter Formen).
Järve, rn Jo:geva, Estonia
Tarandgräberfeld: 1 Ex. ähl. A.101 brz.: aus Nachbe-
stattungen im Deckpflaster von Grabanlage III.
Kannikegaard, Bodilsker sn, Bornholm
Vyelemic^i, rn David-Gorodok, obl. Bryest, Belarus
Gräberfeld(I) der Zarubincy-Kultur
plus 18 sites in Poland
For lists 4a + 4b + 4c, graves with Kostrzewski type N and variants:
Przeworsk: 15, of which 0 are inhumation graves
Oksywie : 38, of which 1 are inhumation graves
Liste 5a: Fibeln des Typs Almgren 2a (Kostrzewski Var.O).
Gris^c^ency, rn Kanyev, obl C^erkassy, Ukraine
Liptovská Mara, okr. Liptovský Mikulás^, Slovakia
Siedlung der Púchov-Kultur
Luc^ki(L/uczka), rn Ternopol, obl T, Ukraine
Melzow, Kr. Prenzlau, Bez. Neubrandenburg
Nørre Søndergaard, Østerlarsker sn, Bornholm
Ostrivyec, rn Gvozdjec, obl Ivano Frankovsk(Stanislav), Ukraine
Sarmatisches Gräberfeld: 1 Ex. Gr. 2
Sklabinský Podzámok, okr. Martin, Slovakia
Vyelemic^i, rn David-Gorodok, obl Bryest, Belarus
Gräberfeld der Zarubincy-Kultur: 2 Ex: Gr.47.
plus 25 sites in Poland
Liste 5b: Fibeln des Typs Almgren 2b (mit Sehnenhaken).
Goronica(Horodnica), rn Gorodyenka, obl Ivano-Frankovsk(Stanislav),
VyS^ný Kubin, okr. Dolný Kubin, Slovakia
plus 10 sites in Poland
Liste 6a : Rollenkappenfibeln des Typs Almgren 24.
1 site in Poland
Lubieszew(Lübsow), pow. Gryfice(Greifenberg), woj. Szczecin(Stettin)
Fürstengrab III(1913): 4 ex.; 2 si., 2 br.
Liste 6b : Rollenkappenfibeln des Typs Almgren 25-26
mit Fuss wie A.33-34a.b.
Bohemia oder Moravia(?)
1 Ex, brz.
Br^eclav-Stará Br^eclav, okr B, Moravia
Hasle, H sn, Bornholm
Kanegaard, Knudsker sn, Bornholm
Neumark, unkn. location
Scania(?), Sweden
Velatice, okr Hodonin, Moravia
plus 7 sites in Poland
Liste 7a : Rollenkappenfibeln des Typs Almgren 37.
Kriz^ovany n. D., okr Trnava, Slovakia
plus 6 sites in Poland
Liste 7b : Rollenkappenfibeln mit Fuss wie Almgren 33-34a.b
und Sehnenhaken wie Almgren 36.
Hasle, H. sn, Bornholm
plus 1 site in Poland
Liste 8a : Augenfibeln des Typs Almgren 44 und Almgren 45a.
Kolokolin, rn Rogatin, obl Ivano-Frankovsk(Stanislav), Ukraine
Fürstenf´grab(Kö.best.) der Lipica-Kultur(?)/Nachbestattung
in neolith, Grabhügel: 1 Ex.
Melzow, Kr. Prenzlau, Bez. Neubrandenburg
plus 3 sites in Poland
Liste 8b : Augenfibeln des Tps Almgren 45b(46).
Abrahám, okr Galanta, Slovakia
Former "Kom. Árva", Slovakia
Dalshøj, Ibsker sn, Bornholm
Dyndalen(Dynddal), Rø sn, Bornholm
Jäbara, Lüganuse parish, rn Kohtla-Järve, Estonia
Tarandgräberfeld C: 1 Ex.
Kanegaard, Knudsker sn, Bornholm
Kostolná, okr Galanta, Slovakia
Lietzen-Komturei, Kr. Seelow, Bez. Frankfurt/Oder
Seitschen, Kr. Bautzen, Bez. Dresden
Store Kannikkegaard, Bodilsker sn, Bornholm
plus 18 sites in Poland
Augenfibeln Almgr."46-47", die wahrscheinlich zu den Formen Almgr. 45b
(46) gehören:
Neppermin-Balm/Usedom, Kr. Wolgast, Bez Rostock
Liste 8c : Augenfibeln der Typen Almgr49 und 50
einschliessl. A."48-50").
Eisliethen bei Pobethen, Kr. Fischhausen, East Prussia
Dyndalen(dynddal, Døndale), Rø sn, Bornholm
Mistelbach, Bez. M., Niederösterreich, Austria
Store Bjergegaard, Vestermarie sn, Bornholm
Store Kannikkegaard, Bodilsker sn, Bornholm
Trausitten, Kr. Königsberg, East Prussia
Kriz^ovany n. D., okr Trnava, Slovakia
plus 13 sites in Poland
Liste 8d : Augenfibeln der Typen Almgren 51 und 52.
Auciems, Raiskums parish, Ce:sis region, Latvia
unkn. location, Bornholm
Eisliethen, Kr. Fischhausen, former East Prussia
Essu, Haljala parish, rn Rakvere, Estonia
Jäbara, Lüganuse parish, rn Kohtla-Järve, Estonia
Tarand-Gräberfeld (S): 2 Ex.
Järve, J. parish, rn Jo:geva(Jo:hvi), Estonia
Tarand-Gräberfeld: 1 Ex.
Hasle, H. sn, Bornholm
Kanegaard, Knudsker sn, Bornholm
Mistelbach, Bez. M., Niederösterreich, Austria
unkn. location, East Prussia(?)
Pajusi, Po:ltsamaa parish, rn Jo:geva, Estonia
Peri, Peri parish, rn Jo:geva, Estonia
Tarand-Gr¨berfeld: 1 Ex.
Riga(?), Latvia
Runko-"Koskenhaka", Piikiö parish, Varsinais-Suomi
(Eigentliches Finnland), Finland
Tarand-Gräberfeld: 1 Ex.
Store Kannikkegaard, Bodilsker sn, Bornholm
Upmali, Baiz^kalns parish, Kr. Ce:sis,Latvia
Utria, "Papikivik", Vaivara parish, rn Kohtla-Järve, Estonia
plus 20 sites in Poland
Liste 9a : Augefibeln des Typs Almgren 54.
Melzow, Kr. Prenzlau, Bez. Neubrandenburg, Germany
plus 3 sites in Poland
Abrahám, okr Galanta, Slovakia
Kostolná p. D., okr Galanta, Slovakia
Gräberfeld: 2Ex.; si. Gr.35.
J.Garbsch, Die norisch-pannonische Frauentract im 1. und 2.
Jahrhundert.(1965), 229 Nr.730,2 -
Freundl. Mitteilung P.Glüsing.
Pilismarót-Basaharc, Bez. Dorog, Kom. Komárom, Hungary
Awarenzeitl. Gräberfeld: 1 Ex: Streufund(1938)
plus 2 sites in Poland
Liste 10a : Fibeln des Typs Almgren 67.
Abrahám, okr. Galanta, Slovakia
Adakavas(Odachowo), s skaudvilé, rn Tauragé
Cetea, com. Benic, r. Alba, reg. Hunedoava
(Csáklya), östlich von Teius(Tövis), Siebenbürgen,
Chotin, okr Komárno, Slovakia
Dalshøj, Ibsker sn, Bornholm
Devín, okr. Bratislava m., Slovakia
Gris^c^eny,rn Kanyev, obl C^erkassy, Ukraine
Gräberfeld der Zarubincy-Kultur: 2 Ex.
Kerc^(Pantikapey), obl Krim, Ukraine
Kolokolin, rn Rogatin, obl Ivano-Frankovsk(Stanislav), Ukraine
Fürstengrab(Kö.gr., Nachbest. der Lipica-Kultur(?) in
neolith. Grabhügel)(1935): 2 Ex.
Kononc^a, rn Pyereyaslav-Khmelnickiy, obl Kiev, Ukraine
Kostolná p. D., okr Galanta, Slovakia
Kriz^ovany n. D.(Kerestúr), okr Trnava, Slovakia
Luc^ki(L/uczka), rn & obl Ternopol, Ukraine
Mannersdorf/March, Bez. Matzen, Niederösterreich
Nedakonice, okr. Uherské Hradis^te^, Moravia
Plos^tin-Rohac^ka, okr Liptovský Mikulás^, Slovakia
Poiana(Piroboridava), r. Tecuci, reg Galat,i, Nieder-
Moldau, Romania
Dakische befestigte Siedlung; mindestens 2 Ex.:
Siel.schict III/1-1; Einzelfund ausserhalb der
Púchov,okr Povaz^ská Bystrica, Slovakia
"Skalka", befestigte Höhensiedlung der Púchov-Kultur
unkn. location, Romania
Zapaja at Banatska Palanka, Banat, Yugoslavia
Schleinbach, Bez. Grossenzersdorf, Niederösterreich, Austria
Slusegaard, Pedersker sn, Bornholm
unkn. location, Ukraine
Velký Bysterec-Trniny, okr Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
Siedlung der Púchov-Kultur: 1 Ex.
plus 45 sites in Poland
For list 10a, graves with Almgren type 67 and variants:
Przeworsk: 8, of which 3 from inhumation graves
Oksywie : 15, of which 5 from inhumation graves
Liste 10b : Kräftig profilierte Fibeln des Typs A.68
(Varianten A68a und b).
Abrahám, okr Galanta, Slovakia
Altenmarkt im Tal, Bez Hollabrunn, Niederösterreich
Bolotnoye, rn Pyeremys^lyany, obl Lvov, Ukraine
"Osyelis^c^a", Gräberfeld der Lipica-Kultur
Bobroc^kovice, okr Vys^kov, Moravia
Frennemark, Svaneke sn, Bornholm
Fülöpkei-Jakabszállás, Bez. Kískunfélegyháza, Kom.
Bács-Kískun, Hungary
Galic^(Halicz), rn & obl Ivano-Frankovsk(Stanislav),
Grinyev(Hryniów), rn Bobrka, obl Lvov, Ukraine
a) "Mogila", Gräberfeld der Lipica-Kultur: 3 Ex.
b) Grabfund der Przeworsk-Kultur: 1 Ex.
Hannuste, Ro:uge parish, rn Vo:ru, Estonia
Hódmezövásárhely, Bez. H., Kom. Csongrad, Hungary
Gepidisches Gräberfeld: 1 Ex.
Kostolná p. D., okr Galanta, Slovakia
Láb, okr. Bratislava v., Slovakia
Malacky, okr Bratislavav., Slovakia
Matroninskoye gorodis^c^e(uroc^. "Galus^c^ino"), rn C¨igirin, obl.
C^erkassy, Ukraine
Mikulov, okr. Brec^lav, Moravia
Mistelbach, Bez. M., Niederösterreich, Austria
Otvyerz^ic^i, rn Stolin, obl Bryest, Belarus
Gräberfeld der Zarubincy-Kultur: 1 Ex. A.68b (?):
Streufund aus der Aufschüttung des 3. slaw. Grabhügels.
Púchov, okr Povaz^ská Bystica, Slovakia
"Skalka", befestigte Höhensiedlung der Púchov-Kultur:
1 Ex.(?).
Rispebjerg, Poulsker sn, Bornholm
unkn. location, Romania
unkn. location, Slovakia
Slusegaard, Pedersker sn, Bornholm
Suc^any, okr Martin, Slovakia
"Pod skalou", Siedlung der Púchov-Kultur: 1-2 Ex.
(1 x A68b).
Szentes-Berekhát/Gógánypart, Bez. Szentes,
Kom. Csongrad, Hungary
Gepidisches Gräberfeld
Turnu-Severin, r. T.-S., Romania
Uherský Brod, okr Uherské Hradis^te^, Moravia
Ulas^kovcy(Ul/aszkowce), rn C^ortkov, obl Ternopol,
Velatice, okr Brno-v., Moravia
Verbyc^ka(Werbyczna), rn. Dunajevcy, obl.
Ohmyelnickiy, Ukraine
Verkhnyaya Lipica (Lipica Górna), rn Rogatin, obl Ivano-Frankovsk
(Stanislav), Ukraine
Gräberfeld der Lipica-Kultur
Vlc^kovce, okr Trnava, Slovakia
Zemplin, okr Trebis^ov, Slovakia
Zohor, okr Bratislava-v., Slovakia
Zvyenigorod(Dz´winogród), rn Bobrka, obl Lvov, Ukraine
a)"Pod stara cerkwia", Grabfund der Lipica-Kultur
c)"Goyeva Góra", Gräberfeld der Lipica-Kultur
plus 55 sites in Poland
For list 10b, graves with Almgren type 68 and variants:
Przeworsk: 11, of which 1 are inhumation graves
Oksywie : 17, of which 8 are inhumation graves
Nicht näher bestimmbare kräftig profilierte Fibeln der
Form Almgren 67-68.
Neppermin-Balm, Kr. Wolgast, Bez. Rostock, Germany
plus 7 sites in Poland
Liste 11 : Fibeln des Typs A.236 (Varianten A.236b
und A.236c).
Nach J.Garbsch, Die norisch-pannonische Frauentracht
im 1. und 2, Jahrhundert
Altenmarkt im Tal, Bez. Hollabrunn, Niederösterreich, Austria
Devin, okr Bratislava m., Slovakia
Dobr^ichoc-Pic^hora, okr Kolín, Bohemia
Dobr^in, okr Roudnice, Bohemia
Duchcov, okr Teplice, Bohemia
Grødeby, Aaker sn, Bornholm
Klein Plasten, Kr. Waren, >Bez. Neubrandenburg, Germany
Kostolná p. D., okr Galanta, Slovakia
Libês^ovice, okr Louny, Bohemia
Ludanice, okr Topol'c^any, Slovakia
Mistelbach, Bez. M., Niederösterreich, Austria
Nebovidy, okr Kolín, Bohemia
Nehvizdy, okr Prag-Ost, Bohemia
Nymburk, okr N., Bohemia
Obr^istvi, okr Mêlnik, Bohemia
Odr^epsi, okr Nymburk, Bohemia
Ohnis^t^any, okr Hradec Králové, Bohemia
Parutino(Olbiya), rn Oc^akov, obl. Nikolaev, Ukraine
Poc^edëlice, okr Louny, Bohemia
Prag-VysoC^any, Bohemia
Púchov, okr Povaz^ská Bystrica, Slovakia
Tr^ebenice, okr Litomêr^ice, Bohemia
Tuklaty, okr Kolín, Bohemia
Wissenfels, Kr. W., Bez Halle/Saale
plus 10 sites in Poland
Liste 12 : Fibeln des Typs A.237 (Variante A.237b)
Nach J.Garbsch, a.a.O.
Budimer^ice, okr Nymburk, Bohemia
Dobr^ichov-Pic^hora, okr Kolín, Bohemia
Kne^z^eves, okr Rakovník, Bohemia
Parutino(Olbiya), rn Oc^akov, obl Nikolayev, Ukraine
Rötha-Geschwitz, Kr. Borna, Bez. Leipzig, Germany
Ve^trus^ice, okr Prag-Ost, Bohemia
plus 0 sites in Poland
Noht näher bestimmbare Fibeln der Form A.236b,c -
A237b. Vgl. J.Garbsch,a.a.O.
Grebieten, Kr. Fischhausen, East Prussia
unkn. location, Romania
plus 3 sites in Poland
Statistic data on the Przeworsk distribution inhumation/cremation
Fibelkombinationen aus geschlossenen Grabinventaren der
Zeitstufe IIa-c
Statistic data on the Oksywie distribution inhumation/cremation from:
Fibelkombinationen aus geschlossenen Grabinventaren der
pommerisch-unterweidhselländischen Kulturen (Oksywie/
Oxhöft-K. und "goto-gepidische Kultur) der Spätphase
der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisezeit und der Zeitstufe
B1 ( - B2) der älteren römischen Kaiserzeit.