[tied] Re: Dog

From: m_iacomi
Message: 30042
Date: 2004-01-26

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:

> 26-01-04 11:56, altamix wrote:
>> Question: what should be then with the form "ken-/kan-" mentioned
>> by Pokorny as meaning "dog" in Thracian?
> Does Pokorny really mention such a Thracian word?

Pokorny #1077:
"k^uOn-, k^un- (`Hund`)
[...] mit fürs Thrak.-Phryg. auffälligem Gutt. lyd. <kandáulês>
`kun-ághês', thrak. GN <Kan-dáwn> (zum 2. Glied s. dha:u- `würgen')"

Marius Iacomi