From: tgpedersen
Message: 28226
Date: 2003-12-09
> > > Aggressive nationalism
> > > is disgusting and defensive nationalism is embarrassing; both
> > > foolish.patriotism
> >
> > Great quote; is it by Lenin?
> No, Torsten, I don't advocate fanatical internationalism in lieu of
> nationalism, if that's what you're driving at. I don't mind
> (which, the way I understand the term, is a _feeling_ an a personalmatter),
> but I distrust any "ism" that becomes an _ideology_. In otherwords, I have
> some kind of emotional identification with my country and mycountrymen, but
> I don't believe we Poles are a chosen tribe with a uniquelyglorious history
> and a particularly manifest destiny. In the 19th century PolishRomantic
> writers cultivated the image of Poland as the Martyr and SpiritualSaviour
> of Nations. That's what I mean by embarrassing. Now perhaps wecould give
> more attention to linguistics.Pretty much my standpoint too. Thanks for clearing that up.