From: m_iacomi
Message: 26493
Date: 2003-10-16
> m_iacomi wrote:and no
>> If you speak about upper-class cured Latin, that existed only in
>> Byzance, for some time. Vernacular Latin turned into Romance and
>> further into Romanian without interacting with that extinguishing
>> court Latin.
> The same old story. In the IV century the Vulgata was still Latin
> Romance. You expect that in the V century as the Slavs cameThe Slavs did not came in the Balkans during the V-th century a.D.
> everything did happend.For any details about timeline, feel free to consult bibliography
>>>> it won't explain Ukarinian "hoska" and Romanian "huSti".[OT BS deleted]
>>> ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
>>> I had no such ambition. I only wanted to explain <hoaspã>.
>> You don't have to explain also unrelated words. Romanian word
>> is actually "huscã" ("huSti" is the plural), and is a regional
>> term meaning `salt extracted by boiling salted water`, then by
>> extension `salt block`. Case closed.
> Do you indeed know what means "huSti" and "boascã"?^^^^^^^
> huSte= husk which remain on back of the barril when the borsch isSorry, you are the misleading guy. You wrote down "huSti" and not
> already sour
> husca IS NOT huSte.Neither is "huSti" = "huSte", nor "huska" = "husca". So you had two
> Case closed as you like to say.Yup, you got the answer too.