m_iacomi wrote:
>> I do not think Latin has been an unknown language in the Balkans
>> at any time.
> If you speak about upper-class cured Latin, that existed only in
> Byzance, for some time. Vernacular Latin turned into Romance and
> further into Romanian without interacting with that extinguishing
> court Latin.
The same old story. In the IV century the Vulgata was still Latin and no
Romance. You expect that in the V century as the Slavs came everything
did happend. PBR became Romanian and 100 years later the Aromanian
separated from Romanians and "every language developed in the same way
but independent" for being the same language today after 1500 years of
separation. Where are you Tepes Lord, to take them and to put them
together, to share them in two groups, one of mads and one of fools.....
> ... and in answer to Alex:
>>> it won't explain Ukarinian "hoska" and Romanian "huSti".
>> I had no such ambition. I only wanted to explain <hoaspã>.
> You don't have to explain also unrelated words. Romanian word
> is actually "huscã" ("huSti" is the plural), and is a regional
> term meaning `salt extracted by boiling salted water`, then by
> extension `salt block`. Case closed.
> Regards,
> Marius Iacomi
You like to have always the last word even when you are speaking from
1001 nights .
Did your mother ever made borsch? Did you ever made borsch? Have you
ever made wine ?
Do you indeed know what means "huSti" and "boascã"?
Do you ever made alcohol out of "boascã"? Do you know at all what is
"boascã"? This one is indeed a regionalism and it is not in DEX to find.
This one is too the husk but just of the fermented fruits , not of
Do you indeed how much salt is used when one makes borsch? No drop.
Nothing. There is no salt in the techonology of preparing the borsch.How
can you confound such things? For the shake of the correctness:
huSte= husk which remain on back of the barril when the borsch is
already sour
husca= salt obtained trough the boil of the salt water ; cf DEX from
Ukrainian "huska(soly)"
husca IS NOT huSte. huSte= tãrâTe acre(sour husk); huscã= salt.Case
closed as you like to say.