From: alex
Message: 25708
Date: 2003-09-09
> --- In, "alex" wrote:this different story does not explain the forms with "afra-" in
>>>> It seems the form with "fër" is a methatesised one, don't you
>>>> think?
>>> No.
>> to quote an older expresion here: Pe ce te bazezi?
> Different story of Albanian and Latin words. Quoting Abdullah's
> words: "About <afër> 'near' I accept Çabej's etymology a- privative
> suffix from PIE *n.- and <far> 'far' < 'not far, near' and I doubt
> that it is connected to Romanian apro-"
>>Excuse me. Si intre hoti exista un codex moral, mai ma faci si mincinos
>> Does Vinereanu say something about it?
> Don't imagine you can fool me.
>It seems you forget the point where I was going from. I said, I look for
>>> Compare "aproape" with Catalan "a prop" `near`.
> And don't elude facts. Catalan "a prop" means the same and has
> a similar form with Romanian "aproape".
>> Beside the example given by Abdullah I will give one more: afionafion= Opium
>> I suppose this is too a properly evolution in Albanian.
> What is "afion" supposed to be linked to? What example gave
> Abdullah supporting /p/ > /f/ in Albanian when not before /t/?
>> Wegen "proximus" whol aus *pro-kW-e (Bersu Gutt. 62. 125. 153,Die Entwicklung ist unklar. And this because the authors corelate the
>> Osthoff M.U. 6, 144,Muller Ait. W. 363, Leumann-Stolz 129); doch
>> ist die Bed.-Entwicklung unklar
> Ist _unklar_.
> Pokorny doesn't give it. Don't you wonder why?! Besides that,
> have you thought at the meaning of the "-"?!
>> I am aware of explanation of creating new suffixes, adapting theExplicatia pentru lipsa derivatelor latinesti in lb. Româna, este data
>> words in "fel si chip" but, the roots are still very accurate
>> mentaining. It is explained simply :"it was lost". Was it lost
>> or never existed? How can one proove ( generally speaking) that
>> there is something, a certain X which is lost now when one another
>> means " there was never a such thing." ?
> I didn't really get your point. Rephrase it.
> Marius Iacomi