Re: Bulgarica

From: george knysh
Message: 24601
Date: 2003-07-16

--- Vassil Karloukovski <v.karloukovski@...>
(GK) BTW in connection
> with
> > the preferred etymology of "Bulgar"("mixed") does
> the
> > recent literature address the possibility of an
> Ugrian
> > component?
>(VK) this "mixed" etymology is only one of the dozens
> proposed (and BTW
> rejected recently by Pritsak). There are several
> more Turkic as well
> as others. I can't recall an new Ugric one at the
> moment.

*****GK: No,no. I'm not asking about an "Ugrian"
etymology of "Bulgars", but whether there has been any
attempt to argue that the proto-Bulgars contained an
Ugrian element (i.e. associated Ugrian clans). Similar
claims have been made with respect to both Khazars and
> > A third of all the graves in the northeast would
> imply
> > that even there the proto-Bulgars were in a
> minority,
> > though compact enough for ethnic survival (which
> was
> > my exact point). As the Bulgar state expanded
> > southward and southwestward, by the 9th century,
> they
> > became VERY MUCH a small minority compared to the
> > Slavs.
> (VK) that's not so clear. It is not as if the
> Bulgars of 680 AD
> were the only wave. Others were settled in Thracia
> as federates under
> Maurice if I remember. The Bulg. translation of the
> Chronicle of
> Manasius mentions settlement at the time of
> Anastasius, the Miracles
> of St. Demetrius - later ones in Macedonia. For
> northern Bulgaria
> there were at least two other waves after 680 AD
> from the northern
> Pontic region.

******GK: Yes but Rashev's 29% + 2-3% would include
those wouldn't it?******
> (VK)And apart from Slavs and Bulgars, there were
> barbarian(s) /.../ Not everything revolved around
> titanic or
> fateful Bulgar-Slav confrontation.

*****GK: "everything" never revolves around etc.. But
that was the major one. And we shouldn't forget the
Vlachs...Unless you don't consider them "barbarians"
(:=)))Note also that the Slavs assimilated a lot of
previous "locals".*****
> (GK)And after the implosion of the 2nd half of the
> > 9th c., they were done as a significant ethnos.
>(VK) pure speculation. What is the evidence for an
> 'implosion' in the 9th
> c?

*****GK: The civil conflict at the top between "pagan"
and "christian" Bulgar aristocrats on two occasions.
There was a lot of blood spilled in these battles,
with the tertium gaudens looking on. This is not
speculative unless you deem chronicled accounts to be

(VK) If you are looking for something like a
> catastrophic event, the
> Magyar or the later Rus' invasions in the 10th c.
> qualify better.

*****GK: By then these catastrophes were experienced
by the new, Slavic and Slavonized Bulgarian complex.
There is no evidence that it is the remnants of the
proto-Bulgars that especially suffered through
(GK) The capital of my
> home
> > province in Canada (Winnipeg) has an "aboriginal"
> > name. Does that mean that aboriginals were a
> > determining and significant part of its original
> > population?
>(VK) hardly a provincial capital would be the right
> comparison.

*****GK: I guess you don't know the Canadian
constitution. Sovereignty is divided between the
federal and provincial branches of Government. You
must have heard about the "province" of Quebec.
Manitoba is also a province possessing much power
under the Constitution. So a provincial capital in
Canada is not the same as a provincial capital in
Bulgaria or Ukraine. The comparison is quite

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