Re: [tied] languages documented (Glen)

From: Davius Sanctex
Message: 24052
Date: 2003-06-30

[Glen] Doesn't look like Tartessian is Tyrrhenian at all. It doesn't show telltale signs of Tyrrhenian grammar. It looks more Vasconic than anything, relatable to Basque.
[Davius] The few Sudlusitanian (i.e. Tartessina) inscriptions I know do not seem to share the typical sound of Iberian or Basque. It seems to have existed a kind of Ibero-Basque Sprachbund reflected in the frequences of distribution of some phonemes, the lack of a contrast between voice/voiceless sounds, the lack of long vowels, and similar configurations of syllable strcuture.
You can see at this link for some interesting information about Hispanic pre-Latin languages: (Home Page) (Tartessian inscription sample)