>These are the words:
>vatra, koliba, tsaryna, gazda, barda, kiptar, virkolak
>(vurdalak), koshara, tsap, brindza, mamalyga, palanka,
>play, beskyd. The roots of similar words may be found
>in Albanian, a Paleo-Balkanic language closest to the
>ancient Thraco-Dacian tongues." Anything to that?*****
Prior to any examination pertaining to etymology:
the words above are Romanian through and through.
With the exception of "beskyd," all of them are
everyday's words throughout the territory of the
Romanian language (the "Daco-Romanian" dialect),
spelled in Romanian like this (if there is no
definite article): vatrã, colibã, tzãrânã, gazdã,
bardã, pieptar (standard language)/cheptar (regional
language), vârcolac, co$ar (co$arã is the regional
language plural), tzap, brânzã, mãmãligã, palancã,
It is only "brindza" that reflects a specificity,
namely of the provinces of Maramuresh and Bucovina.
In the rest of the territory this kind of "dz"
has been lost and replaced by "z" for good.
(NB: today, one half of the historic Maramuresh
lays in Ukraine, too, along with Northern Bukovina.)