From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 21172
Date: 2003-04-22
>At page(s): 105/106 in POKORNY's "Indogermanisches EtymologischesAltindisch (Vedic/Sanskrit)
>[from http://iiasnt...]:
>English meaning: to speak
>German meaning: sprechen
>The following abbreviations exists:
>s.sehe (see)
>Bed.Bedeutung (meaning)
>Gen.Genitiv (genitive)
>ksl.kirchenslavisch (Church Slavonic)
>ags.angelsächsisch (sp?) (OE)
>bes.besonders (in particular, particularly)
>Partiz.Partizipium (participle)
>which are not in the "List of language abbreviations in the IED" atI suppose a number of them will be listed in an ordinary German
>and which are not listed in your list.
>This is why I asked if somewhere exists ALL the Abbreviations used byNot that I'm aware of. The list of abbrev. is only 7 pages or so in
>And then is also the problem of the REFERENCES from POKORNY's book.
>[at bha:-2: WP. II 123 f., WH. I 437 f., 450, 458 f., 525 f., Schwyzer Gr.
>Gr. I 674 f.
>Are these listed somewhere on the Internet?