Re: semantic shift

From: tolgs001
Message: 20495
Date: 2003-03-29

>In the same way is to see the Italian chiara & chiaro & chiare
>& chiari ( for masculine & feminine & plural & sg) comparative
>with Rom. "chiar" which has no fem., no masc., no pl. no sg,

You're wrong (I explained on the other list yesterday). Agreed,
in the contemporary Romanian language, "chiar"'s
significance is a reduced one: it is an adverb (can usu. be
translated as "exactly; just; still, as yet").

But I can't believe that your Romanian-Romanian
dictionary (the "DEX") does not contain this definition too:

>>CHIAR 2, -Ã, /chiari/, /-e/. adj. (Înv[echit]). Clar, limpede,
lãmurit. <> (Azi în expr.) /Din chiar senin/ = pe neasteptate.
-- Lat. *clarus*<<

[the slashes are for text parts in italics, and asteriscs for
bold letters.] Pls look up this entry in your dictionary.

This means that, although old-fashioned (and as such
replaced by the neologism "clar, clarã, clari, clare"), the
inherited variants "chiar, chiarã, chiari, chiare" still exist!

(And in the high-school, in classes dealing with old
Romanian literature your teacher must've told you that
"chiar" __as an adjective__ was much more in use
and had had all semantic aspects the modern "clar,
clara, clari, clare" have. And it is understandable why:
several hundred years ago, the Romanian vocabulary
did not include the neologism "clar-clari, clarã-clare".)

So, in the case of chiar--clar, you have one of the
numerous so-called doublettes: the same word
represented by two different reflexes - the one is
inherited and the other is a late loanword. (Similar
doublettes: "des--dens; ager--agil; arzator--ardent;
cerbice+cerbicie--cervical+acerb; codan/a+codat/a--
codal or caudal; crescator+crescand--crescent;
fãcãturã+fãpturã+fapt--facturã, factor, afect-;
legãmânt--ligament; legãturã--ligaturã;
ghindurã--glandã + glandular; râncoare--ranchiunã;
iarna--hibernare; fãrãdelege+nelegiuire--ilegalitate" &c.)

>Thus this is NOT a derivative of Latin "clarus", chiar
>aSa! q.e.d.

Sanqui! :-)


Herr Ober, einen... Klaren für Alex! Zum
Wohl sein, prosit! :)