Re: [tied] Re: Greek double-sigma / double-tau

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 16419
Date: 2002-10-18

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amedeo Amendola" <amedeo_a_2002@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:48 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Greek double-sigma / double-tau

> As to further origins, first of all consider this fact:
> meaningwise: sea = galatta/galassa = mare , etc.
> These words are NOT cognates; therefore, they do not
originate from a
> single language (whether you call it Indo-Europeans or
> else). Possibly, one of them may be a variation of an older
> Again: milk = gala (galaktos) = lactis, etc.

one more tought about it, seeing it again trough the
paralelism with another paar in romanian.
You have in romanian the adjective "mare"= big, wide which is
not from latin "maris", of uncert etymology and in the same
time you have mare = sea which is supposed to be from latin
maris. Both the words have a semanticaly comon path. once=
"big, wide" but a sea is even a very big, wide water.
Of course yyou will say even in english you have a "mare" and
this is a "big" animal, but tough, the prononunciation is
kinda "mia1r" and I doubt there is any connection with IE

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