Re: [tied] just verifying a point

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 14973
Date: 2002-09-02

Here's what you actually wrote:
*g`became "z" and in same very rare cases g>h trough an
disimilation proces  of one of two "g" like in PIE *ger,gere
with the nominal variant *gerg
*gh became g
*g`h this velare became a spirant in thracian (z)
Vowels can be front (e.g. [i, e]), back (e.g. [u, o]) or central (e.g. [a]). They can also be high ([i, u]), mid ([e, o]) or low ([a]). You can also say "close" for "high" and "open" for "low".
"Frontal" means "pertaining to the forehead", and "dorsal" means "pronounced with the back of the tongue" -- the term is used mostly of consonants, not vowels.

----- Original Message -----
From: alexmoeller@...
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] just verifying a point

PIE *g^ became "z"  WHEN fallowed by "e" and "i".how it was to

Under tzhe influence of "e" we have:

PIE *g^ehb >proto-traco-daca>geb-ala>thraco-dacian
>*jiabala>rom. zãbala
zãbala please see the lithuanian "zabas". This is the german
trense  or english snaffle, bridoon

PIE *k^ africatised when fallowed again, by these "e" and "i"
. I gues these "e" and "i" are called frontal vowels and the
"a, o, u" aer called dorsal vowels. Please corect me if I am

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