Re: Getae and Gothi Together
From: tgpedersen
Message: 12846
Date: 2002-03-25
Hardheaded? Moi? I just asked a question. As far as I can see, it is
still open.
The whole question hinges on: what is identity and continuity for a
people? Especially in this case where the problem is: Could the
Getae/Goths have maintained a sense of identity, of still being the
same people, if they changed their language? What elements might have
provided cohesion, when not language? Answer:
1) kingship
2) religion
3) both
This is at least the impression one gets from Jordanes' description.
Also Gregory of Tours sees ethnic continuity as continuity of royal
bloodline. Question: What does the fact that Mithridates VI Eupator,
ruler for a short time over all the coasts on the Black Sea,
apparently was the sixth named after Mithras tell us about the
religious continuity in the area? Some of the first Roman Mithras-
worshippers were Pompey's returning soldiers.
And here perhaps I should put a lengthy paragraph about hats and
crowns etc.
Some are puzzled that the days of the week (Roman -> Germanic through
Mithraic mediation?) identify Odin with Mercury. Mercury's Greek
counterpart was Hermes. Trismegistos?
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