Re: [tied] More kooky stuff

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 3989
Date: 2000-09-22

----- Original Message -----
From: Glen Gordon
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] More kooky stuff

Isn't it a real gem? The music and the page colours are unforgettable. And the most mysterious thing I found there is this:
Syntony Publications of Palo Alto, California and Genie Z. Laborde, Ph.D. have selected the LexiLine website "to represent the use of sound on a Web site as well as overall good design" in her new book on 57 illustrated steps to successful Web design. Dr. Laborde's previous book publication sold nearly a quarter of a million copies in five languages around the world. We are honored. Thank you. - LexiLine
Who on earth is Dr. Genie Z. Laborde that she should have chosen such a monstrosity as a positive example of anything, let alone sound and design? And if her choice reveals anything about her taste, who are the wretches who buy her books? (Just imagine what the cover looks like.) But then it's possibly a viciuos circle, so that LexiLine was originally designed by following the illustrated steps laid out in Doc Laborde's previous guide.

Glen wrote:

Wonderfully frightening, Piotr. Thank you. This is a must-see folks... as
well as a must-hear. For those of you with speakers, your entry into the
link "Noah's Flood" will reward you with an automatically played midi file
entitled "Lazy Days", a cowpoke song right out of the Wild Wild West which
matches so well with the topic at hand, don't you think? (I joke not. Check
it out for yourselves. Yixes!).

There are other mentally deranged selections of music that will thrill and
entertain even the most atheist of non-believers. I'll definitely be adding
this one to my growing list of Kook Links :)