On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 22:07:54 -0400, Andrew Cunningham
<andj_c@...> wrote:

> Unfortunately it wasn't possible to get text to display correctly that
> required the use of combining diacritics.

Urk. Mechanical typewriters could do nice overstrikes!

> I'll have to wait until font rendering on linux is more mature and more
> comprehensive.

Well, at least, there do seem to be some folks working on that. "L18nux"
(or something like it) is a name some have adopted.

Fortunately, I'm just about sure there is nothing in the hardware that
prevents combining glyphs; it's text-handling software that prevents it.
(I have a hunch that there are some experts on that topic, here. I'm no

Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass. (Not "MA")
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath
Political URL, for a change: