On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 20:03:49 -0500, Richard Wordingham
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:

>>> The only workable solution seems to be post by e-mail, which is not an
>>> option I like. I much prefer working from the browser.
>> I always do.
> Always do what? It looks to me as though you used e-mail to send this
> reply, rather than typing it in the textbox on a web page. Please
> clarify.

I apologize. I always use the e-mail [client] that's part of the Opera
browser. I'd prefer not to promise to do something I might not actually
do, but I might try the Web page text box.

> I don't see how casacading style sheets would change the way forms were
> posted, to use two very technical words in this context.

Took me a whlle to understand what was meant by "forms", and [iirc Get and
Post] are two things I need to learn about.

CSS would not affect posting forms, for sure. Sorry to confuse/be confused.


Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath