--- Richard Wordingham
> How do I hack into the Yahoo system to change the
> way they convert
> postings in the web page to e-mails? Isn't that
> illegal?
umm, not exactly what i mean, i'll ahve to look at my
old notes. at one point i was experimenting with the
preferred language mechanism in web browsers and
noticed that soemtimes in Yahoo, i'd be using utf-8
instead of iso-8859-1. I'll need to double check.
> I was not testing posting by e-mail; I was testing
> posting via the web
> page. I submitted the post via Firefox (the
> browser), not Thunderbird
> (the related e-mail program). The conclusion is
> that globally if will
> fail for about 17% of characters, though for some
> scripts only 6% are
> affected.
ahh ok .. that explains it then ... you're sending
utf-8 text but it is being identified and treated by
the server as iso-8859-1. Additionaly some byte
sequences are being escaped.
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