Mark E. Shoulson wrote:

> Patrick Chew wrote:
> >re: Babelfish...
> >
> >Babelfish's translation services online (e.g. webpage translation) is,
> >with the exception of their French translations, sub-par AFAIC. Their
> >East Asian lanuguage translation engines really cannot handle
> >fluid/fluent text and their other European langauges are moderate only.
> >
> >
> True fully automatic high-quality machine translation is known to be
> impossible (or at least AI-hard), so there's only so high one's hopes
> can be set. But at least such things can be convenient in saving you
> trips to the dictionary, at least.
> ~mark

Does "AI-hard" mean there is no known algorithm (hence it is an open

I am not so convinced that it will always remain an open issue. I used
to be, but I have been working on some approaches I haven't found in the
literature, vast and old as it is....

