2003-04-06 20:17:21, "David Starner" <
dvdeug@...> wrote:
>This isn't an April Fools joke?
No, I was the fool. I did not study it much before mentioning it to Qalam.
I should have thought about and evaluated it, much more thoroughly, before
calling attention to it. I should have been more suspicious, when I saw that
(for instance) it recommended LtoR rendering of RtoL scripts.
My apologies!
Nevertheless, this mistake won't discourage me, but I hope I learn from it.
I do hope it is useful to some others because it calls attention to a
bad scheme.
Some software (sorry, can't give any details) had a source code
change recently (among many others, done for different reasons)
to work better with Rosetta encoding, iirc. That gave it some
"legitimacy" to my naïve eyes. (One can be naïve at any age; I'm 67.)
Some time back, because I'm a recorder (blockflute) player, I became
interested in the OrKon Flute, but learned eventually that it was a
bad design, and its makers really wanted no part of it. It has not been
manufactured for several decades, afaik. Think metal-beaked recorder
with keywork...
I'm not necessarily a fool, in general, though. I'm strictly a very-
interested amateur/dilettante, mostly self-educated from studying
the Unicode 1.0 and 3.0 books (among others), which I own, as well
as Web authors such as Jukka Korpela, Alan Wood, Alan Flavell,
Roman Czyborra, Markus Kuhn, and the like. (I should try to compile
a list of them, with links...)
One of my early introductions to other writing systems (other than
Cyrillic, because my father was Russian (Christian)) was the polylingual
introductions to _English Through Pictures_, if I remember the title.
(NL title was Engels Door Plaatjes (Platjes?), fairlysure.)
Mario Pei was also an early inspiration, but for languages.
Again, my apologies!
The best thing about the Internet is that it has no editor.
The worst thing about the Internet is that it has no editor.
(Author unknown to me)
Nicholas Bodley |@| Waltham, Mass.
Opera browser fan/user |@| Crocuses are up!
I detest arrogance.