Dear Qalam members,

Please allow me to send you a fresh copy the welcome message that you
all received when you joined Qalam. This message also contains a few
simple behavior rules that *must* observed in this mailing list.

I especially call your attention on rule (2): 'Qalam is a forum for
discussing "the writing systems of the world"'.

An off-topic message once in a while is tolerated, perhaps even
welcome. However, in the last few days, most messages I have seen
where about things totally unrelated to writing systems.

If any of the discussions is important to you, please find (or
create) another forum where they are on-topic, and invite people

Also, please use proper quoting: leave blank lines between your
comments and quoted text, and only quote the parts of text which you
are commenting.

Members who have technical limitations, like Etaonsh, please try and
do the best which is possile on your systems.

Talking about Etaonsh: Richard, please immediately *stop* calling
racist or imperialist anybody who does not agree with one of your

There are no racists in this forum and, should they arrive, I will be
immensely glad to kick them out, as is clearly specified in rule (1).

Seshat (Qalam moderator)


Welcome in Qalam!

Qalam ( is a mailing list where people
can talk about the writing system of the world.

Alphabets, syllabaries, logographs, ideographs, hieroglyphs, Braille,
sign language writing, calligraphy, typography, graphology, fonts,
character sets, input methods, modern scripts, ancient scripts,
fictional scripts, paleography, deciphering ancient writing...

These are just a few example of the things that are on-topic in Qalam.

I wish to remind thee a few technical instructions:

- To post messages use this address:
- To unsubscribe use this address:
- To subscribe again use this address:
- To contact me use this address:

Also please take notice of the rules of Qalam. I tried to keep the
list minimal, and I am sure that thou doest not even need these few

1) Netiquette.
Nothing complicated: use thy usual politeness, and be tolerant with
members who know less than thee, or who indulge in heretic
opinions. However, racism, sexism, obscenity and profanity are
absolutely not welcome. Please drop me a line in case that such
things appear in the Qalam forum.

2) Topic.
Qalam is a forum for discussing "the writing systems of the world".
If thou realisest that the message thou art posting is off-topic,
please prefix the mail subject with an [OT] indicator, so that other
members will realize at-a-glance that thou art talking about
something else. If thou thinkst that an off-topic discussion is
becoming too long, consider asking the other people engaged in it to
follow thee to another forum, or to continue the discussion privately.

3) Site rules.
We are the guests of Yahoo!Groups (, previously known
as eGroups), so please make sure that
thy behaviour also complies with the eGroups rules:
- Member Guidelines (,
- Terms of Service (,
- No Spam! (,
- Copyright Policy (

For any other information, please visit the Qalam home page:

Seshat (Qalam owner)
