here is a clarification of the point that arose before about copyright:

benjamins publishers points out to me that a copyright notice for each
article in WL&L (and in all their other journals) appears at the bottom of
the first page of that article. the same is true for many other journal

my mistake was in looking for an overall copyright notice in the front
matter of each issue, such as appears in other journals that i'm familiar

cheers; bill
William Bright
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics & Anthropology, UCLA
Professor Adjoint of Linguistics, University of Colorado, Boulder
Editor, Written Language and Literacy
Editor, Native American Placenames of the United States
1625 Mariposa Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302
Tel. 303-444-4274
FAX 303-413-0017
Email william.bright@..., williamobright@...

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