Juozas wrote:

> I'm sorry that some of my thoughts were based exclusively on
> practical observation and looked like politically incorrect. Indeed I
> really didn't mean to offend anyone. When asking Piotr about the
> people of Polish decent in the South-Eastern Lithuania, I was hoping
> he has devoted some time in the past to phonologically analyze the
> language spoken in the region (I wondered if the language could be
> really called Polish, with no offence intended; from what I've
> practically heard - I'm incompetent in theory: that's why I'm
> participating in this interesting list - it could not). As to the
> depalatalized dental stops in Russian, I thank Sergey that he didn't
> limit himself with justly criticizing my poor choice of terms
> (inevitable due to my incompetency) and provided some very valuable
> information about the subject (something I actually aimed at by
> writing the initial message, unfortunately, with some bad
> connotations that should've been avoided). Thanks again and I'll
> proof-read my messages in the future.

Sorry for misunderstanding. Must correct myself: the exact more or less
scientificish substitution for your 'clean' would be 'palatalized but still
unaffricatized before front vowels dental stops' (would somebody on the list
offer something more easy-to-follow? :) But my point was not about the term,
but about the statement that this unaffricatized realization is a normative
