In Vytautas Ambrazas' Lithuanian Grammar
it says "[U]nstressed [long] vowels in Standard Lithuanian show a tendency to
be shortened and turn into half-long (sometimes even relatively short) tense
vowels. These changes do not harm the phonological system: the contrast is not
lost, but only modified. The occasional complete neutralization of the
quantity of unstressed vowels can be explained only as a phenomenon of some
other (mainly dialectal or sociolectal) phonological system." Some of the
examples he gives are acc. sg. duoną
vs. nom sg. duona, where the final vowels differ in
quantity, and výrų vs.
výru, where they differ in both quantity and -- apparently --
quality. What I haven't been able to understand is if the same applies to root
vowels, like, e.g., the <e> in kẽlias
vs. keliù, or <a> in stãlas
vs. stalù (I wonder what happened to the tildes). What say
ye, native speakers?
I won't dare comment such subtlety from a
native speaker's point of view, rather I can share my theoretical
In standard (as it's
taught at universities) Lithuanian only phonological opposition long:short is
postulated (and imposed :), all the phonetic (including qualitative) differences
being standard secondary subsequencies of this opposition.
In dialects (as
'common' Lithuanian of cities was not explored to such an extent) the following
phonetic differences are registered: phonologically long compact vowel (say,
/ą/) shows a tendency to get more diffusive; vice versa, phonologically
long diffusive vowel (say, /ų/) shows a tendency to get more compact;
the exact way differs from dialect to dialect, for example, some Highlands
(Aukštaitija) dialects even have something like [u] in the place of
As for
vs. keliù, or stãlas vs.
stalù, here we have a different phonological
situation (if I got you right): historically short stressed (and therefore
prolongated):unstressed (not prolongated) vowels opposition; qualitative
phonetic difference is standard: we have respectively [ɛ] and [a] in both cases,
the unstressed being somewhat 'closer'.
One thing I noticed during the
short time I actually had a Lithuanian teacher was that her version of [æː]/<e>
in Petras was virtually identical to (my) Swedish allophone
of <æ(ː)>
before /r/, and from what I've gathered subsequently it probably wasn't a just
peculiar idiolectal feature of hers. Now that we have people who know both
Lithuanian and Russian on the list it seems like a good opportunity to ask
about the realization of <я>
between two 'soft' consonants in standard Russian and other varieties in words
like пять.
How close to standard Lithuanian [æː]
would you say that this vowel is (as regards the quality of the
syllabic nucleus)? And in what way(s) does it
As I can work out from
introspection, one of phonetic realizations of Lithuanian <e>, [æ] (not [ɛ]
that's heard before palatalized consonants) in stressed
position can be treated as an equivalent to the allophones of Russian
<я> you mentioned, at least within the accuracy of IPA notation. As for
differencies, the Lithuanian sound shows a tendency to get more closed; on the
other hand, Russian sound is, as usual, enriched with glides and has rather
unsharp articualtion - that what, in my opinion, makes the difference. Please
note also that we can't talk purely on quality and ignore prosodical moments in
regard to Lithuanian.
This is a
preliminar answer and implies no warranty. :)