Re: Digital Pali Reader

From: Kåre A. Lie
Message: 4990
Date: 2018-03-10

For some reason Waterfox no longer showed the dictionary in the lower window. So I tried Pale Moon, and it works the way it should. So thanks a lot for this useful tip, Ven. Pandita! :-)



Den 14.12.2017 06.07, skreiv Soe Naung ashinpan@... [palistudy]:
Dear Bryan,

I have installed the Palemoon browser <>, which is a fork of Firefox. The Digital Pali Reader works with it very well.

with metta,

Ven. Pandita

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Bryan Levman bryan.levman@... [palistudy] <> wrote:
Dear Pali Friends,

Digital Pali Reader no longer works with Firefox and I'm wondering what digital programs you are all using to read the canon and commentaries? I do have a version (4) of the Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka but the search engine on it is very slow and it only has one dictionary. I wonder if anyone has anything better and whether the PTS or Sri Lankan canon is available digitally (including of course the commentaries and tikas),

Thanks for your help,

Best wishes,


Ven. Pandita (Burma)

Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies,
University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka


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