Translation Question (Narada 14, Ex. 16A)
From: Florian Weps
Message: 4374
Date: 2015-08-08
Dear all
I'm still slowly working through Ven. Nārada's elementary Pali course.
Today I worked on translating the following verse:
Pemato jāyati soko - pemato jāyati bhayaṃ;
Pemato vippamuttassa - n'atthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
Here is my translation:
From attachment arises grief, from attachment arises fear;
Coming from attachment to release there is no grief, what of fear?
Here is the answer for the second half of the verse from the answer key on
Released from attachment, without grief, where comes fear.
Here is my reasoning:
"Pemato vippamuttassa"
attachment ( releasing (dat/
from attachment to release
kuto - whence? - what of?
Is my translation reasonable? The meaning is quite different after all.
Kind regards,