A strange sanskrit sentence

Message: 4302
Date: 2015-05-02

Dear all,

I got 2 sentences of Sanskrit from my a textbook as below:

Sukhāryī cet tyajedvidyaṃ vidyāṃryī cet tyajet sukham
Sukhāryinaḥ sute vidyā kuto vidyāryinaḥ sukham

They are translated as:  If you like to be idle, you will give up studying.  If you want to have knowledge, you must abandon leisure.  How could a free man get knowledge?  And how could a man liking to be free be interested in studying?

I'm not sure both the Sanskrit sentences and their translation are correct

Firstly, I tried to sandhied - analyze the first word "sukhāryī" but could not understand.  The suffix ryī is very strange

Please kindly give me some suggestions

Sincerely yours,

Huynh Trong Khanh

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