From: vojislavkovacevic@...
Message: 4166
Date: 2015-01-27
Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ:
Therefore, O'Bhikkhus, you should train
yourselves thus:
1) What person is sikkhitabbaṃ? Would literal translation of evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ be something like "thus, to train" ?
attharasassa dhammarasassa
vimuttirasassa lābhino bhavissāmāti.
We will obtain the taste of the meaning, the
taste of the Dhamma, the taste of liberation.
2) Is attha in attharasassa meaning? attha(meaning) + rasa(taste) + of ? I cannot find the attha word translation.
3) What is labhino in this case, what person? Labhi should be aor. of labhati, yes?
4) What is bhavissāmāti ? DPR says "bhavati: becomes; to be; exists". It seems superfluous in the translation, if the root bhavati is correct.