Kc 46
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3135
Date: 2010-11-28
[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappa, Pañcamakaṇḍa, Sutta 46]
46. 26. Te na vā ivaṇṇe (59).
Te ca kho abhi adhi icc' ete ivaṇṇe pare abbho ajjho iti vuttarūpā na honti
When the letters ‘i’ and ‘ī’ follow ‘abhi’ and ‘adhi’, optionally there is
no substitution for the said forms: ‘abbh’ and ‘ajjh’.
Abhicchitaṃ, adhīritaṃ.
abhicchitaṃ: abhi icchitaṃ; abhicchitaṃ.
adhīritaṃ: adhi īritaṃ; adhīritaṃ.
Vā ti kasmā? Abbhīritaṃ, ajjhiṇamutto.
Why say ‘optionally’? To allow the operation of this rule in the following:
Abbhīritaṃ, ajjhiṇamutto.
Counter Examples:
abbhīritaṃ: abhi īritaṃ; abbh īritaṃ (44); abbhīritaṃ.
ajjhiṇamutto: adhi iṇa mutto; ajjh iṇa mutto (45); ajjhiṇamutto.
-- translation by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004
-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 28 November 2010
(last quarter moon, 20:36 GMT)