Re: Pacala vs. Capala
From: Khristos Nizamis
Message: 3134
Date: 2010-11-22
Dear Chanida and Brother Noah,
I've realised now that some of these classes are obviously the verb
conjugation classes (Class I (root class) = traditional 2nd or ad-class,
II (reduplicating) = trad. 3rd or hu-class , III (nasal class) = trad. 7th.
or rudh-class, IV (a) (nu-class) = trad. 5th or su-class, IV (b) = trad. 8th
or tan-class, V (nā class) = trad. 9th or krī class, VI (a-class) = trad.
1st or bhū class, VII (accented a-class) = trad. 6th or tud-class, VIII
(ya-class) = trad. 4th or div-class, IX (passive), a trad. 10th or cur-class
(hence, 10 traditional conjugation classes)).
I would guess, then, that the other classes referred to in the df. of 'gaṇa'
given below refer to a traditional classifcation of nominal declension
classes. It's therefore just a matter of identifying the traditional
classes that MW and BT refer to when they say "the gaṇas 'sauṇḍādi,
'sreṇyādi and vipa.sṭādi"; they're referring to nominal (noun and adjective
form) classes.
No doubt there are correlatives in the traditional Pāḷi grammar for these
same classes, which it would be very useful to recognise.
I have a bit of 'homework' cut out for me, but it should be fun. I'll keep
quiet for a while. ^__^
Best wishes and metta,
On 22 November 2010 12:38, Khristos Nizamis <nizamisk@...> wrote:
> "Gaṇa" (MW informs s.v.), in grammar, refers to a series of roots or words
> following the same rule and called after the first word of the series: thus,
> e.g., ad-ādi, (the gaṇa 'ad' etc.) is the gaṇa or whole series of roots of
> the second class, whose first example is 'ad'; gargādi (the gaṇa 'garga'
> etc.) is the series of words whose first member is the word 'garga'.
> This is obviously a traditional grammatical categorisation. If anyone
> could point out to me where I could find (or perhaps even provide me with) a
> list of these native grammatical classes so that I can understand how the
> kamp to capala transformation works, I would be tickled pink.
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