Kc 2
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2788
Date: 2010-01-08
[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sutta 2]
2. 2. Akkharā p' ādayo ekacattālīsaṃ (1,2).
Te ca kho akkharā api akāradayo ekacattālīsaṃ Suttantesu sopakārā.
Taṃ yathā? a ā i ī u ū e o; ka kha ga gha ña; ca cha ja jha ña; ṭa ṭha ḍa
ḍha ṇa; ta tha da dha na; pa pha ba bha ma; ya ra la va sa ha ḷa aṃ. Iti
akkharā nāma.
Tena kvattho? Attho akkharasaññāto.
And these letters which are forty one beginning with ‘a’ are very useful in
the Discourses.
Which are these? a ā i ī u ū e o; ka kha ga gha ña; ca cha ja jha ña; ṭa ṭha
ḍa ḍha ṇa; ta tha da dha na; pa pha ba bha ma; ya ra la va sa ha ḷa aṃ.
These are called ‘letters’(akkharā).
What is the need of that (saying letters)? The meaning is known by letters
(see §1).
-- translation by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004
-- posted by Jim Anderson, 8 January 2010 (the day after the last quarter)
1) "Akkharā p' ādayo ekacattālīsaṃ (1,2).." = And the letters
beginning with 'a' are forty-one. The padaccheda (word-division) of the
phrase "Akkharā p' ādayo" is: akkharā api a-ādayo.
2) Suttas 2 to 8 define technical terms and are of the saññāsutta type,
one of four types of suttas. Kc 1 is of the parihhāsāsutta (interpretative
rule) type.