Re: words ending in guu, once more
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2362
Date: 2008-03-05
> Yes, there is an obvious sense in which "Vedaguu" is no different from
> "Garuu" ...
> ... however, for the same reasons that we cannot explain "Garuu" as
> "ga + ram", we cannot really explain "Vedaguu" as "veda + gam" ...
We can explain 'vedaguu' as 'veda + gam + ruu' if we follow the rules of
Kaccaayana, etc. The Saddaniiti tells us that 'garu' comes from the root
'gar' (rise up, ascend) and gives several meaningful interpretations of the
> ... but of course I agree that such explanations are of real interest
> --even if they are fanciful, and sometimes precisely because they are
> fanciful.
And maybe even hilarious at times, like your 'butterfly'.
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