Abhidhanapadipika Study
From: Nyanatusita
Message: 2363
Date: 2008-03-08
Dear group,
If anyone is interested to get a copy of /Abhidhanapradipika : A Study
of the Text and Its Commentary/ by Bhikkhu Medagama Nandawansa. 2001.
Bhandarkar Oriental Series. (Bhandakar Research Institute, Pune)/, /then
please let me know. I can arrange to get a few copies from India for the
BPS. It will not be cheap though. The cost will be about US $ 35– 40-,
not including mailing cost. I am not sure, but I assume that it is a
large, thesis size study of the text. Did anyone read this study?. Is it
of good quality?
I was hoping to get another book (P. V. Bapat,/ Shan-chien-pi-po-sha; a
Chinese version by Sanghabhadra of Samantapasadika, commentary on Pali
Vinaya/) from this institute, but it seems that it is out of stock.
Bhikkhu Nyanatusita