SV: Kacc 271
From: Ole Holten Pind
Message: 2136
Date: 2007-05-11
Dear Jim,
payoga denotes usage like prayoga in Sanskrit grammar. The entry in DPPN is
mistaken in taking it to denote grammatical analysis.
Ole Pind
Fra: [] På vegne
af Jim Anderson
Sendt: 10. maj 2007 20:03
Emne: Re: [palistudy] Kacc 271
Dear Ole,
Thanks for your quick response. Instead of "kvattho" the Saddaniiti uses
"ki.m payojana.m" (see Sadd III 604,22). "Payojana.m" (use, need, purpose)
is one of the meanings of "attho". In DPPN under the article
"" there is mention of the parts of a division (kappa)
consisting of sutta, vutti, payoga, and nyaasa. I take it that the nyaasa
refers to Mmd but what part does "payoga" (grammatical analysis) refer to
in the grammar? The term comes into use in the interpretation of Kacc 272
<< the last part with "kvattho". Does the last part have a
name? If so, what is it?
This part has no name. It is meant to place the sutta in the context of
Kacc 297, which is quoted as reference.
Ole Pind >>
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