Kacc & Classical punctuation

From: Eisel Mazard
Message: 2135
Date: 2007-05-11

Jim raised a question about applying punctuation to classical texts.

Each edition of Kacc approaches this problem in a different way;
sometimes, the different spacing of words, insertion of commas at
different points, etc. reveals that the editors of different editions
understood passages differently --or failed to understand (e.g.) where
one example stops and another starts, etc.

Some (e.g. Filliozat) consider all such punctuation as an unwanted
intrusion into the purity of the received text; however, it can tell
us a lot about the stages of how these texts are indeed "defiled"
before they reach us --i.e., mere mortals like ourselves, struggling
to understand the syllables they're stringing together in the process
of editing.


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