[palistudy] Canonical quotations in Kacc. (Ole Pind's article)

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 1933
Date: 2006-06-21


In my previous message I didn't know what the "27" in "Khu 1|27|358" stood
for but now I do. It too is a page no. in Vol. I (the quote is found at the
beginning of verse 94 in the Dhammapada). So "Khu 1|27|358" should be read
as: Khuddakanikaaya, Vol. I, pp. 27 & 358.


> It's surprising that the footnote references to the quotes in your 2005
> edition are missing. I wonder if perhaps you're not understanding the
> referencing system used. The canonical references are to the Burmese
> Chatthasangayana edition. For example, footnote 3 on page 44 has: Khu
> 1|27|358 for "yassindriyaani" in sutta 14. I don't know what "27" refers
> but I found the word in Volume 1 of the Khuddakanikaaya by looking for the
> Burmese page reference of 358 in the margins of my Indian Devanagari
> edition. In terms of a PTS reference, the quote is found at Sn 516 which
> refers to verse 516 in the Suttanipaata, p. 95.

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