Re: 'Dear Sir'

From: m. nease
Message: 235
Date: 2001-07-15

Dear Friends,

Khun Amara asked about Sakka's repeated use of 'Dear
Sir' to address the Buddha in an English translation
of SakkapaƱhasutta (DN21).  This seems like a pretty
simple question but I couldn't work it out for sure--

Dear Khun Amara,

--- "amara C." <joychay@...> wrote:

> Did you find the Pali for 'Dear sir?'  Is it
> 'bhante' by any chance?

Bhante is the vocative of bhadanta, meaning venerable,
revered, so something like, 'Venerable (one)!'or
'Revered (one)!' (as a form of address).  A synonym
appears to be mahaasaya, also vocative, meaning
honoured, revered, so something like 'Honored (one)'or
'Revered (one)!'.

There are several 'bhante's' in the Pali text at

Unfortunately my knowledge is so limited that I can't
even be sure I'm on the same paragraph in the English

The Pali's paragraphs are enumerated and so on, but
not so the English--I just get lost.

So I'll refer your question to Jim & Co., for whom I'm
sure this will be elementary.


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