Re: AN I.51-52, translation

From: Ong Teng Kee
Message: 222
Date: 2001-07-13

Dear Jim,
I am not following the sutta and com in here when i
said the animal,hell will not have luminous bhavanga.I
was talking about that it will be harder for
cittavithi of kusala javana spring from their
bhavanga.Buddhaghosa said in this sutta bhavanga is
like mother/teacher while the cittavithi of
kusala/akusala javana arise later will be like son
But the javana of cittavithi for anyone will  arise
unless he is dead soon after rebirth.That make this
sutta a bit useless because pabhasara just  nothing
more than purely for correcting mahayana school of no
such things as bhavanga,same pure mind for everyone
etc.Our 8 kinds bhavanga will not be the same for
everyone .Pabhasara means no thought occur at that
time because a child cannot do much thnking at that
We must know in Vibhanga com of dupanna for people
with poorer bhavanga(without knowledge
type,prompted).That comment will be helpful for us
because not everyone has the same bhavanga.The
bhavanga we get after our rebirth will be our personal
behaviour,character etc.akusala javana of cittavithi
will always occur for those poor bhavanga people.
(abhidanapadipika gave 20 upassaga not 19.Maybe you
misread ni and nii as one only)

- Jim Anderson <jimanderson_on@...> wrote:
> Dear Teng Kee,
> >Hi,
> >I always thinking what kind of bhavanga I am
> in.Among
> >the eight vipaka and also which  bhavanga  is
> buddha
> >in.i do not think peta ,hell have the luminous
> >bhavanga like us since they have the other inferior
> >vipaka bhavanga.
> It appears that my comment about luminous
> bhavangacitta for beings of the
> lower realms has raised a few eyebrows. I understand
> that 19 types of cittas
> can function as bhavangacittas and are either
> accompanied by upekkha or
> somanassa and all are free of defilements. So to my
> way of thinking that
> would make them all pure and hence luminous
> (metaphorically). There is just
> one type of bhavangacitta for beings of the lower
> realms which is no. 56.
> Just as akusala cittas can follow luminous
> bhavangacittas, so it seems that
> luminous bhavangacittas can follow akusala cittas.
> Jim
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