From: Kumara Bhikkhu
Message: 15860
Date: 2012-07-06
>Dear Dhamma friends,
>in Tikandaka Sutta, a discourse on the agreeable and the disagreeable (the contemplations called as ariya iddhi).
>I do not understand very well why it is said, incases 3 and 4 the followinf (Nyanaponika Thero Translation):
>(3) "And for what reason should he abide perceiving the repulsive in the unrepulsive as well as in the repulsive? (He should do so with the thought:) 'May no lust arise in me for lust- inducing objects, and may no hatred arise in me towards hate-inducing objects!'
>(4) "And for what reason should he abide perceiving the unrepulsive in the repulsive as well as in the unrepulsive? (He should do so with the thought:) 'May no hatred arise in me towardshate-inducing objects, and may no lust arise in me for lust-inducing objects!'
>I would say, in case 3: in both cases "may ... not arise in me for hateinducing objects".
>I would say in case 4, in both cases: "may ... not arise in me for
>lust inducing objetcs".
>Any suggestion or idea about why it is phrased in that way (I checked the pali and Nyanaponika's rendering is correct).
>With metta and thankfulness,
>Be happy :)